Why should a family train Jiu Jitsu together

In today’s world and our ever so busy lives, family time becomes almost a rare commodity. Managing quality family time with work, study, friends, whatever else the world throws at you and still find space to take care of your health has become a challenge to every parent out there. I for one, had to face that years ago when my son was born.

How was I supposed to juggle family, work, life in general and be as present as I wanted to be in my son’s life? Jiu Jitsu was a great solution. Having my son participating in the activity with me was a blessing. We found more time together and an extra common bond and I was able to start introducing him to the martial arts, which in addition to the self defense aspect, it also brought numerous by-product benefits like confidence building, coordination, mental toughness and a heck of a workout.

I’d strongly recommend Jiu Jitsu as an outlet for some quality productive family time. Find a school near you that offer a welcoming environment to you your family.



Why You Should Train Jiu-Jitsu in Another School